Janhvi Kapoor is creating buzz about her upcoming film 'Mr. and Mrs. Mahi'. This is a sports drama film, in which Rajkummar Rao is in the lead role along with Janhvi Kapoor. Recently, Janhvi told that after the death of mother Sridevi, she has become more religious than before and takes special care of every small thing. Let us know what the actress has said.
JanhviJanhvi became more religious after mother's departure
Recently, in an interview, Janhvi said about Sridevi, “She believed in such things which no one paid attention to. She believed that certain chores should be done on special dates,' 'One should not cut hair on Friday as it prevents Goddess Lakshmi from entering the house,' and 'Avoid wearing black clothes on Friday.' I never believed in such superstition."
Sridevi believed in these practices
Janhvi further added, "After her demise, I started believing in her, maybe too much. I don't know if I was so religious and spiritually inclined when she was alive. We all follow these practices." I used to do it because Mama used to do it, but after she passed away, our culture and history's connection with Hinduism... I think I started taking refuge in my religion a lot."
Revealed the reason behind visiting Tirupati templeTirupati temple
Janhvi Kapoor also spoke about her mother's devotion towards Lord Balaji of Sri Venkateswara Swamy Temple of Tirumala in Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh. He said, “She used to call his name all the time, 'Narayan Narayan Narayan.' She used to go to the temple every year on her birthday when she was working. After his marriage he stopped going. After his demise, I decided to visit the temple every year on his birthday. The first time I did it, I got very emotional, but it also gave me a lot of peace of mind.”